
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session.

The Board gave an update on the resolution about the objection to the use of eminent domain in Guthrie County. Supervisor Brian Johnson hand delivered the resolution to the Iowa Utilities Commission, but it didn’t show in the online filing system until County Auditor Dani Fink had entered it in th online filing system. They also tabled a decision on the Guthrie County Compensation Board, and set a special election for the Lake Panorama and Diamondhead Lake Rural Improvement Zones for December 10th.

The Board then discussed the emergency medical services system ballot measure for the upcoming November general election. Johnson scheduled a community meeting in Yale for October 10th to go over information, while Supervisor Maggie Armstrong has set a meeting for Panora at Panorama High School for October 16th. Supervisors Mike Dickson, Steve Smith and JD Kuster will work with individuals in their communities to set up meetings, and come back with those dates at their meeting next week.