
A musical duo that started discovering each other during the covid pandemic has released their first album together. 

Weary Ramblers, with Chad Elliott and Kathryn Severing Fox, came out with their self-titled album “Weary Ramblers” and it has been considered for nine Grammy Awards. Fox tells Raccoon Valley Radio her professional career with Elliott started during the pandemic when she improvised some piano music that he was looking for to accompany his artistic videos he had on YouTube. Elliott adds that since then the two have been performing together under the encompassing style of Americana music, which Fox says is uniquely reflected in their album.

“I think they all have their own flavors. I think that’s part of what is attracting people to what we’re doing too is that we don’t really stay in one lane, which creates intrigue. But I was talking to a friend of mine about what Chad and I do and he was saying, ‘You know, you guys might be able to jump around to different genres, but it still sounds like the Weary Ramblers.’”  

Elliott expresses how he felt the songs on the album came together.

“I always think like when we go (to) writing a song, I feel like there’s several facets to finishing a song. Obviously taking the song, writing it and saying, ‘Okay. It’s done,’ is one. But playing it in front of a live audience is another. And then recording it for posterity is like that kind of wrap it up with a bow and people can take that home with them, in their own homes, and they can kind of live with our songs. And I think that that’s a really important step to writing a song is finishing it off.”          

Fox admits that they didn’t have to record an album, but as their fan-base grows in the Midwest, they want to continue to reach more people and this is the main way in which to accomplish that. “Weary Ramblers” can be found on any of the streaming platforms.