
The Adair – Casey School Board met in regular session Monday night.

The Board first heard administrative reports from Adair – Casey / Guthrie Center Superintendent Josh Rasmussen and AC Elementary and AC/GC Junior High Principal Ed Den Beste. Den Beste told Raccoon Valley Radio his thoughts on how the year is progressing so far.

“Overall I think things are going really well. We’ve got some good things in place. We’ve got some teachers, new hires that have fit in really well with the staff. And then just moving along, we had activities last week, some of our first activities, so junior high is up and going and it’s always nice to get some activities in. Gives the kids a different reason for being at school as well, and not just school itself. I feel like we’re kind of just settling in right now, so hopefully things will continue in the right direction.”

The Board Approved the 2022-23 audit report, the School Budget Review Committee modified allowable growth for the special education deficit, a settlement agreement with a former employee and the first reading of the 500 series school board policy review.