Next weekend the Adair – Casey Guthrie Center FFA Chapter is bringing back an event in what they hope to make a yearly tradition going forward.
Advisor Skie Shull says that planning for this year’s Car Show and BBQ Competitions began before everyone left from the first one last year. She tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the committee that began planning for this year’s event have been working hard to make sure that this year’s events will be even better than last year’s.
“So our Officers and committee has done a really good job of making sure that everything is organized, more so than it was last year, being as it was our first event last year. And so we’re just printing off all of our entry cards. We’ve contacted judges, we have sponsors for all of our trophies and events this year. That was really exciting to have everything kind of covered up front. And then we’re kind of adding on to the event as well, so we’re talking to other organizations within the school.”
Chapter member Nora Langgaard helped with the Chapter’s marketing of the festivities by making posters that they put up in the school district and surrounding areas. She mentions some of the things that they added on to last year’s events.
“So we are doing the face painting, and that’s going to be sponsored by our cheerleaders at the school. We’re doing a Bingo which is sponsored by our (FFA) Alumni, and we were thinking about doing a bags tournament possibly. And that would just be a normal fun thing for people to do in between looking at cars.”
Member Blaise Tallman explains that with a love of old cars, he helped with planning the car show side of the festivities.
“So me and another officer member are purely in charge of planning out the years and models of cars, and then we are in charge of parking them in the correct places.”
Cars can begin checking in at Mitchell Park in Guthrie Center at 8:30am, and must be in by 11am, with a $20 entrance fee. The show is open to all makes and models, with judging beginning at 11:15am. The BBQ competition will also be at Mitchell Park, with teams competing in two categories, which are brisket and ribs, with all meat supplied to the teams for the event. There are also optional categories of chicken wings or legs, or a side dish, with all supplies for the optional dish provided by the contestants.