
Photo courtesy of Drew's Astronomy Nights

If you have ever wanted to see things in space up close and personal, one individual in Jefferson gives you an opportunity to do so.

Drew Sorensen is the local telescope expert who has over 30 years of experience in astronomy. He can sometimes be seen at night in the parking lot of All Ability Cycles on East Lincoln Way looking at stars, to planets, even galaxies with his several different telescopes. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio weather conditions have to be ideal in order for it to be worth it being outside seeing images of all kinds of things in space.

Drew’s Astronomy Nights

“If it is clear, just having stable air is a special thing too. A lot of times in the winter you have a cold front go through, and it’s beautifully clear, and the stars shine and twinkle. Well that twinkling indicates that seeing fine detail on a planet is not going to happen, but you can maybe see a faint galaxy.” 

Sorensen points out that All Ability Cycles is an ideal place to sky gazing because it is far enough away from the overt light population of the downtown square, but not so far that people can stop by to have a look through his telescope. However, Sorensen notes that a lot of times it is a struggle to know what nights he will be stationed at All Ability Cycles.

Drew’s Astronomy Nights

“It’s been tough. Times when I thought the weather indicated a good, clear night well, we’ve lost out. And other times when I thought it was going to be cloudy it did clear up. That is, I think, one of the reasons why oftentimes astronomers are kind of a lone wolf situation because a lot of this is oftentimes short notice.”  

Sorensen says one way to know when he is planning to be out for a public viewing with his telescope is by liking and following his Facebook page that his family operates called “Drew’s Astronomy Nights” by clicking here.