
The Adel-DeSoto-Minburn Cross Country teams are starting the week off with a meet in Ballard tonight.

This marks the fourth meet of the 2024 season for the Tigers for the girls and boys as they each have garnered top six finishes. ADM Girls began with a second place finish in Johnston, followed by third place in Pella, and recently a sixth place finish this past Thursday in Ames. For the boys, the Tigers were third in the Johnston meet, third in the Pella meet, and fourth at the Gilbert Invitational in Ames.

The top three runners through the first few meets for the girls are Freshman Elliote Von Roden, Sophomore Allie Eggleston, and Senior Ella Goodrich. The top runner on the boys side is Senior Torin Timmerman, as ADM has gotten great contributions from Junior Robbie Hall, Junior Ty Landphair, Sophomore Max Marple, Senior Isaac Chapman, and Freshman Dain Holdmeyer.

Tonight’s meet will be ran at the Ballard Golf & Country Club starting at 5:10pm with the girls, and the boys will follow at approximately 6:05pm.