
A musical duo, with a Jefferson tie, recently released their first album together, which has now been selected for consideration for one of their profession’s top honors.

The Weary Ramblers features Jefferson resident Chad Eillott on guitar and Kathryn Severing Fox on fiddle, and their self-titled album “Weary Ramblers” has nine considerations for the Grammy Awards. Neither musician had been considered for a Grammy before and Elliott talks about the nine considerations as being an honor, but it is more so than that.

“I feel like every award that I’ve ever gotten that might get into this door, if I just keep working. So you’re just kind of always thinking, ‘That’s great, but we’re artists. We’re here to create, we’re here to be inspired, and we’re here to keep sharing our music, and the more that we can do that the better. And I think that’s what these kind of awards help us do is we can share with the larger audience.:      

Fox illustrates that being considered is the step before earning a nomination as she describes the process of what it takes to get over the initial stage of the process.

“First of all, you have to be in the Recording Academy to even be considered for a nomination. So to get into the Recording Academy you have to be recommended by Recording Academy members. The entire process is by invitation. So you have to have the accolades, and the connections, and all of these things, right, to even get to this part at all. So I just got into the Academy, which is part of why we were able to be up for consideration.”           

Fox notes that the next step is the Recording Academy voting period that starts in October for the considerations to be nominated for a Grammy award. She adds that they will be notified after that if they receive a nomination and/or how many. A full list of the considerations can be found below.


Best New Artist

Album of the Year

Best Folk Album

Record of the Year – Hidden Road & Mend This Broken Heart

Song of the Year – Hidden Road & Mend This Broken Heart

Best American Roots Song – Hidden Road & Mend This Broken Heart

Best Arrangement, Instruments and Vocals – Pretty Lights Over Denver

Best American Roots Performance – Hidden Road

Best Americana Performance – Mend This Broken Heart