
The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.

The Council approved the first reading to amend an ordinance to increase water rates by five percent. During the discussion, City Administrator Scott Peterson said the committee talked about three percent and five percent increases. 

Council member Harry Ahrenholtz was on the committee and advocated for five percent because of needing to keep up with costs of the chemicals to treat the water, along with saving funds to replace the water plant, and replace about $70,000 that the water department is currently using from Local Option Sales and Services Tax (LOSST). He added that if there is a lower rate, then it will be more difficult to catch up later. Council member Chad Sloan was also on the committee and wanted three percent. He said there are a lot of people who can’t afford this increase. The vote was 4-1 with Sloan voting no.

The Council then approved the second pay estimate of $595,841 to InRoads for the East Lincoln Way road improvement project and the 19th pay estimate to Shank Constructors for $401,516 for the Wastewater Treatment Plant improvement project.