
With September being National Literacy Month, the Jefferson Public Library Youth Department reminds kids and teens that they cater to those needs.

Youth Services Librarian Bailey Mount says fresh off the end of the Summer Reading Programs, they continue to help educate and offer resources to students to help them improve their literacy skills. She invites families to check them out during the school year as well.

“Not just a place to hangout. I love when I see you after school, I really, truly do, but when you come there I want to make sure you are still getting your books. And it doesn’t have to be books, the literacy kits, the puzzles, (and) the puppets. I just want to make sure that you leaving with something new that maybe challenges you a little bit and inspires you to learn, either a new thing about yourself or a new skill that you didn’t think you were interested in.”      

Mount adds that September is also Library Card Sign-Up Month and that it is free to receive a library card to the Jefferson Public Library. She says a library card not only gives youth access to books, DVDs, and games, but also online resources such as Tumblebooks that have over 200 puzzles, games and interactive story times and Brainfuse Tutoring, with 24 hour access with tutors that have degrees and can help with homework. Contact the Youth Services Department for more information at 515-386-2835.