
A reminder that tonight is a fundraiser in support of a major repair to the community center in Scranton.

Jane Finch is with the Scranton Community Center Committee and says the gym roof needs to be repaired and so tonight they are hosting a fundraiser that begins with a meal from 6-7pm. The Greene County Pork and Lamb Producers, along with the Greene County Cattlemen’s Association are cooking the entries and the sides are provided by Lidderdale Country Store. Tickets for the meal are $25 for people 13 and older and 12 and younger are $15. 

Finch notes there are a few raffles, including a 50/50 cash raffle with $1 tickets or six for $5, along with two kids tractors that are valued at $100 each with $10 per raffle ticket price or three for $25. She points out a $500 gift card grand prize is with the heads and tails game, and a $300 gift card with the pick a ladle game, each are $20 per entry. Additionally, Finch says there are other games including bingo with $1 cards and a spinning wheel with a $5 entry to win prizes that range from $5 to $20. 

Finch encourages everyone to come and have fun, while also helping to support their efforts to repair the over $80,000 roof on the community center.