
Photo courtesy of GCSO

With the 2024-25 school year in session, several kids have been getting into their routines of getting to and from school.

Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams reminds motorists that there are designated school bus stops where several kids will be at a single location to get picked up for school in the communities in Greene County. He urges motorists to continue to be vigilant around these areas.

“So just keep in mind, anywhere from the 6:30 (am) to 8:30 (am) range we’re going to have kids running across the street, looking at their cell phone instead of where they should be looking for cars. So obviously the motorists out there need to pay more attention and help these kids get to school.”   

Some of the locations where those bus stop areas include the Scranton Community Center, the former Grand Junction school building and Paton City Park, among others. He adds that drivers need to remember it is against the law to pass a school bus that has come to a complete stop, with red flashing lights activated and the stop arms extended.