
The AC/GC Chargers volleyball team continued their win streak last night, as they hosted their first tournament of the season.

Head Coach Barb South says that the team did an amazing job, as they took down all three teams last night without losing a set. The Chargers started off by knocking out the Nodaway Valley Wolverines, taking the first set 21-6 and the second 21-7. Then they faced off against the Exira-EHK Spartans, winning the first set 21-6 and the second 21-15. The final victory came against the West Central Valley Wildcats, as the Chargers secured the first set 21-12 and the second set 21-14.

South mentions that senior setter Shay Lemke was an integral part of the night, as she seemed to touch the ball every play. South adds that Lemke was also credited with several great sets and many digs, along with several ace serves. The team returns to action next week on Tuesday, as they host West Central Valley.