
Logo belongs to the Puppy Jake Foundation

September is known as National Service Dog Month to recognize the care they provide.

There are many conversations determining the classifications between a service dog and an emotional support animal. Veteran Liaison Zac Fox at the Puppy Jake Foundation tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the American Disabilities Act will allow any dog or miniature horse to be a service animal in the state of Iowa. Fox highlights the attribute of a service animal is to help one person.

“They just help them live their life from a physical disability or a mental disability. Psychiatric reasons, mobility reasons, those are the type of training we give our dogs to help the veteran that they’ve been matched with.”

Fox notes that therapy animals are meant to bring people comfort, which differs from service animals’ ability to specifically assist a single person. He details the role of an emotional support animal is one that helps individuals dealing with internal feelings. Fox encourages people to reach out to local animal rescue organizations for next steps on getting animals certified.