Photo belongs to ADM Schools
Rod Wiebers, who serves as Adel-DeSoto-Minburn’s Athletic Director, determines the personal improvement he’s been able to make with four years under his belt.
Wiebers is entering his fifth year as the Tigers’ AD, and mentions that he started in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic in July of 2020 during the baseball and softball seasons. Wiebers remembers having to tell people that they couldn’t attend sports games due to the restrictions that were enforced from the government. He explains that despite the year being crazy, it prepared him to be highly organized and displayed better communication skills. Going into his fifth year, Wiebers says he’s continuing to push himself to learn new things.
“Every single year reaching out to AD’s that are successful. When things goes well, how do we handle that, how do we handle adversity, but ultimately I think, everything I learned keeps coming back to is we want to be elite in how we work with our student athletes, how we work with our coaches, we want to care and show people that we want to be the best program we can be.”
Wieber’s focus is to get better on the job day by day, which matches the school’s mission to the student athletes. He acknowledges that continuing to learn from administrative staff, coaches, and students is the biggest reward of the athletic director position.