The Webb House
The Jefferson Rotary Club recently announced its grant recipients.
According to the Rotary Club, $16,000 of grants were awarded from the proceeds of the 2023 Annual Banquet and Auction that was held this past November. Jefferson Matters Tower View Team was awarded $4,635 for Imagination Alley project for the north alleyway in downtown Jefferson. Midwest Missions received $4,400 for a trailer to take rice meal packing equipment to packing sites.
Our Community Health Foundation was given $3,000 for books for Greene County youth through the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. Another grant recipient was the 144 Corridor Housing Initiative that received $2,500 to use for matching grants for exterior home improvements. Finally, the Webb House was given $1,836 for a new ping pong table, chairs, window shades and paint.
The Jefferson Rotary Club has given away more than $600,000 to non-profit organizations for projects and other worthy causes, since 1999.