
Greene Co Attorney Thomas Laehn to lead the meeting

With two years left in his second term, Greene County Attorney Thomas Laehn recently announced his intention to not seek a third term.

Laehn tells Raccoon Valley Radio it has always been his intention to not serve more than two, four-year terms as the county attorney when he was first elected. He has also announced an exploratory committee has been formed to look into him possibly running for US Senate for the 2026 general election. He explains that the idea to run for US Senate was not done lightly.

“This is the product of much deliberation and discussion, not only between me and my wife, and close family and friends, but also with the Libertarian Party, and those members of the Libertarian Party who have been encouraging me to do this for quite some time.” 

Laehn points out that he is the only Libertarian in Iowa to hold an elected partisan office and would run for Senate as a Libertarian. He describes why he would run for Senate, if he decides to do so.  

“If I run, I am not running to highlight issues, I’m not running to maintain our major party status, I would run to win. And so what this exploratory committee is doing is exploring the viability of such a campaign, to raise money on my behalf, to talk to possible voters, and see if there is interest in the state for a third party candidate for the United States Senate.”     

Meanwhile, Laehn notes that the Supervisors have agreed to let him begin the process to find a full time assistant county attorney which is two-hold. First, Laehn says the individual would possibly take over the current assistant county attorney’s caseload if Laura Snider wins her candidacy this November for Iowa House. The other reason Laehn states is to make a smooth transition over the next two years so that the new person could run as county attorney in 2026.