The Adair – Casey (AC) / Guthrie Center (GC) School Boards will meet in regular joint session tonight.
The Boards will discuss high school grade reporting, upcoming dates including no school on August 30th and September 2nd, a Women’s and Gender Studies meeting September 4th, the next regular Board meeting on September 18th and the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB) annual convention from November 20th to 22nd. They will then consider for joint approval the second semester whole grade sharing invoice and second reading of the IASB policy primer updates.
The AC Board will consider for approval the fifth pay application for the junior high bleachers project. The GC Board will also consider for approval pay applications two and three for the high school HVAC project, and the Ron Baier and Jarmin Field Memorial. The meeting will begin at 7pm at AC/GC High School in the media center. Raccoon Valley Radio will have results from the meeting later this week.