
As the city of Jefferson continues its new single stream recycling, one city official is reminding participants about the other two “R’s” and what people can do.

Jefferson City Council member and representative on the city recycling committee Matt Wetrich recommends everyone to “reduce” and “reuse” as much as possible. He says one the best ways to do this is limiting single use plastics such as grocery bags by bringing reusable bags with you to the grocery store, or not using plastic straws with drinks as restaurants. Wetrich points out if people get plastic grocery bags from the store, to donate them to Midwest Missions in Jefferson.

“And they actually weave the bags into sleeping mats that go to people in need around the world, and that’s a great use for those bags. So if you have an abundance of those wondering what to do, Midwest Missions across the street from City Hall, I would highly encourage you to donate them there.”

Wetrich notes another way to reduce the amount of recyclables is by having a reusable water bottle instead of single use plastic bottles. He adds that recycling is also a major way to decrease the amount of items from going to the landfill.