
David Heupel (center) plays the bells from a keyboard, while his daughter Natalie helps turning the music pages

Wednesday was a unique performance for Tower Tunes Live on the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower in Jefferson.

Greene County High School Choir Director David Heupel played seven songs as part of the “reveal” for the 2025 high school spring musical. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio he originally signed up in June to be one of the volunteer Music Maestros on Wednesdays in the summer with Tower Tunes Live. He then had the idea to unveil the musical a few weeks ago for his turn to play the four octave bells. The musical will be “The Little Mermaid” and Heupel talked about why he chose that.

“We had a few that I thought fit who we had. But combine both that and a little bit of fun, a name that I think everybody knows, and it’s got some roles that can be played by male or female, and that’s always really a plus. It’s a fun show.”   

Bell Tower Tour Guide Coordinator Pat Richards shared her thoughts about how the bell tower was used in a unique way as what Heupel did.

“It was a huge success. We had at least 30 people out there. It was just a wonderful way to spend a Wednesday noon.”

Richards reminds everyone that Tower Tunes Live continues each Wednesday from 12:15-12:30pm through October. The show dates for the spring musical are March 7th-9th.