
With the 2024-25 school year to begin on August 23rd for Greene County and Paton-Churdan School Districts, families are reminded about certain required vaccines in order to attend school.

Greene County Public Health Director Becky Wolf says students entering kindergarten, as well as seventh and twelfth grades have required vaccines that need to be administered before kids can start school, which can be found below. She encourages parents and/or guardians that don’t know if their child has the required vaccines to contact them.

“We have access to the State Immunization Registry. So we can see what they’ve (the child or children) received so far. Even if they didn’t receive any or just a few doses from us, that registry is for all providers to put the vaccines that they give into there. Give us a call. We’re just trying to get everybody covered, make sure that everybody’s meeting the requirements, and protecting our communities.” 

Wolf adds that the school nurses will be conducting an immunization audit next month to make sure that all students have taken the required number of vaccines. Contact Greene County Public Health at 515-386-3228. 

Required vaccines for kindergarten:

  • Five doses of diphtheria/tetanus/whooping cough; at least one dose after age four
  • One dose of polio with another dose after age four
  • Hepatitis B – three doses, during first year of life
  • Measles – one dose at year old and another one at age 4
  • Chicken pox – one dose at year old and another dose at age 4

Required for 7th graders

  • Booster dose of tenuis/whooping/diphtheria cough 
  • Meningitis – first dose by 7th grade     

Required for 12th grade

  • 2nd dose – meningitis vaccine