The Panorama School Board met in regular session Monday night.

Superintendent Kasey Huebner says that the Board discussed upcoming dates, including the first day of school for kindergarten through 12th grade on August 23rd and for preschool on August 27th, along with no school on August 30th for the Guthrie County Fair and no school on September 2nd for Labor Day. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio that when they approved payment of bills, it included a payment for the north parking lot project.

“So we paid the majority of our parking lot bill, and that’s about 95 percent completed. They’re working to finish some striping and some sealing. Then that parking lot should be opened up here, hopefully, by this Friday is the plan. And that was the completion date, so they’re going to be done right on time.”

The project began at the end of the 2023-24 school year, and was to pave the last gravel parking lot between the north side of the high school and the bus barn. Huebner explains that the Board also approved milk bids for the coming school year, spring and summer extracurricular contracts, legal council, nutrition price adjustments, employee vacation benefits for non-certified employees and scheduled a facility work session for September.