As crops continue to grow, some farmers may begin to look ahead to see when they might begin the next step.
Iowa State University Extension Field Agronomist Mike Witt mentions that at this point, there’s not really a good way to know when harvest will begin. Witt tells Raccoon Valley Radio that in the next month to month and a half, it will be easier to know when harvest may come later in the year.
Witt shares what ideal weather would be for those hoping to have the growing season run longer.
“You still want it to be fairly warm because we still like that with the crops and that growth and development in that 80 degree temperature, that lower 70’s, upper 60’s at night. So some of those moderating temperatures, and still gettin rainfall that will come around half an inch to an inch a week or those type of scenarios that we’re looking at would be ideal conditions that we have.”
Witt mentions that if ideal conditions do not happen, there is still plenty of soil moisture, along with strong and deep root structures, to keep crops healthy for a while.