Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson is happy with the support a recent organization has brought to the community.
The AmeriCorps Maple 5 Team came into the Perry community in mid-July to assist the city with several projects. Perry City Administrator Sven Peterson tells Raccoon Valley Radio the organization consists of young adults between the ages of 18 and 26 that travel across the country to provide assistance to communities. Peterson explains some of the work they’ve been doing since July 12th.
“First day, they jumped right in and got to work done in Pattee Park, and they were able to put up the entire shell of an athletic training facility. We’ll have indoor batting cages, it’ll be climate controlled. Also looking at really being able to use that facility for other things as well. It’s about a 24 by 80 foot building and there’s just a lot of opportunities to do in that.”
Peterson invites people to help their organization continue to reach more communities, and offers how to do so in Perry.
“Whether that’s with a meal through the Meal Train we have set up for them. Financially supporting some of the projects they’ll be working on and have been working on, but also just really showing how welcoming of a community Perry is, so when you see them out and about, usually they’re always in a shirt that says ‘AmeriCorps.’ Really just want to encourage people when they see that group out, just thank them for coming to Perry, thank them for spending their time helping our community.”
Peterson emphasizes that AmeriCorps is planning to be in the area until early September.