The Lake Panorama National Women’s League held their annual fundraiser on July 18th, and donated the proceeds to Tori’s Angels.
Tori’s Angels member Julie Tibbles says that the fundraiser was held in place of regular league play, with 76 golfers competing in the four person best shot tournament. The tournament had a 1960’s and 70’s theme, and more than $7,500 was raised. Tibbles adds that there were several fun special events to make things more interesting. This included fortune tellers on the fourth hole, trying to get closest to the angel on the ninth hole and the closest shot landing inside an angel on the third hole. Tibbels mentions that there was also dinner after the tournament and along with a zodiac challenge, an auction and a raffle. She says that the Lake Panorama National Women’s League also donated some proceeds from the raffle of the previous tournament that they held, bringing the total donation up to $9,000.