As the growing season continues for crops, new and different pests are popping up.

Iowa State University Extension Field Agronomist Mike Witt says while there are more reports coming in for pests, he shares the two most common that are being seen in soybean fields.

“We are starting to see, at the beginning of August, as we tend to, that waterhemp is starting to pop through the top of the canopy across the area. So we’re really able to see if our weed control programs were really, really good or if they were lacking due to either weather conditions, poor performance, or other things across the area. That’s one. Also in soybeans, we are seeing in pockets in the area there is some soybean gall midge that is starting to emerge.”

Witt mentions that corn fields are also being affected, with corn rootworm being a pest that has been noticeable for over a month. He adds that damage from this year’s large grasshopper population is also prevalent along the edges of fields.