The Perry Chamber has the total number of guests from a recent fun summer event.
The chamber held its third annual 2nd Street Block Party on July 19th featuring live music, food from nearby restaurants and a social opportunity for residents 21 years and older. Perry Chamber Director Lynsi Pasutti reveals that the block party was just shy of 400 attendees. She acknowledges that the event is newer and it will take a few more years to increase the numbers.
“Still kind of getting people used to the idea of the beer garden and the logistics of all of that, but people really appreciated it and enjoyed the fun of it. The band was great, there were a couple of reunions in town, so they really appreciated the extra entertainment for their weekend. Just really fun to see people out and about and a wide range of ages of people coming out and supporting whether they realized it or not, a fundraiser for the chamber.”
Pasutti mentions that she was even asked by an individual if the block party was an ongoing weekly occurrence, and although it isn’t, she describes that a similar celebration is happening in Perry around the RVTV Cy-Hawk Street Party in early September.