
The Iowa Basketball Coaches Association is proposing expanding the postseason from four classes to five. Greene County boys’ head coach Chris Nelson supports the proposal. “We would be aligned with the girls as they’ve had five classes for several years. It would mean more teams qualifying for the State Tournament, which I’m for, and some of the classes currently have a pretty big enrollment discrepancy from top to bottom. Five classes would help even that out a little bit.”

Other than that proposal, Coach Nelson doesn’t see any big changes for Iowa high school basketball. In the last two seasons, a shot clock was instituted, as well as going to the same rule college women use when it comes to fouls. After the fifth foul in a quarter, the team that was fouled shoots two shots, and there is no more 1-and-1. A new quarter means starting at zero again for team fouls, but individual fouls carry over from one quarter to the next, just as they have for decades.