
July 31

Arrest: Monthel, Patricia Lynn Age 54, Adr/1214 Willis Ave #4 Perry, IA. Charged with Guthrie County Mittimus for Driving While License Denied or Revoked (7-day sentence)

Arrest: Rios, Alejandro, 22 yoa male of 1716 7th ST. Perry, IA. Charged with Sex abuse 2nd Gang Rape 15 Degree, Harassment 14 Degree and Invasion of Privacy
Arrest: Tellez, Moses Age 23 of 509 Willis Ave. Charged with Sex abuse 2nd Degree-Gang Rape 1st, Harassment 1o Degree and Invasion of Privacy
Report of possible Sexual Misconduct reported from the Dallas County Jail, case under investigation.

August 1

17 yoa male from Perry, IA, cited for Curfew Violation.