
The Dallas County Hospital is preparing to have an event for children ahead of the new school year.

The hospital is gearing up for the debut of a back to school bash in the City of Perry Tuesday afternoon from 3-4:30pm. Public Relations Marketing Foundation Director Tom Harmsen tells Raccoon Valley Radio the expectations of the outing.

“We’ll have quite a few of our providers present is the plan. It’s a chance to meet and greet with some familiar faces, hosting free food, we’ll have some entertainment and some musicians come in. We’ll have some activities, things that engage people of all ages.”

Harmsen says since this is the first year that the hospital is doing this program, he emphasizes the importance of getting to know local health providers.

“Folks should really take time to investigate and research their provider and this is an opportunity to meet first-hand before arranging an appointment if you’re perhaps new to the community and shopping around. I think you can tell a lot about a person and a lot about a provider in a few minutes of conversing with them, so we hope that this will be an opportunity for patients to find a provider that’s really a great fit for them.”

Even though the theme centers around back to school, Harmsen notes that this event is open to anyone and not specified to families or students. He adds that the program is part of the Dallas County Hospital’s 70th anniversary. The bash is taking place at the Dallas County Hospital’s Bistro on the ground level south side, 610 10th Street, in Perry. Any questions can be directed to the Dallas County Hospital at (515)-465-3547.