A West Des Moines man was sentenced to prison following an incident in Greene County.
According to court documents, 36-year-old Austin Hill pled guilty to a lesser charge of an aggravated misdemeanor for third degree conspiracy to commit fraudulent practices. He was sentenced to two years in prison, which was to run consecutively with two unrelated cases in Adams and Marshall counties.
The charge stemmed from an incident that happened on March 13, 2023. Hill won a $7.599 jackpot on a slot machine at Wild Rose Casino in Jefferson. He asked 65-year-old Paul Purviance of Perry to sit at his machine as he stepped away. Purviance tried to claim the winnings but casino staff reviewed surveillance footage and it was determined that Hill won the jackpot. When Hill’s information was run through the Iowa Department of Administrative Services Offset Program, Hill owed $40,000 in set offs.
Hill was originally charged with two Class D Felonies for passing a winning wager to another person-habitual offender, and second degree conspiracy to commit fraudulent practices. As per the plea agreement, the felony for second degree conspiracy to commit fraudulent practices was amended to the aggravated misdemeanor and the other felony was dismissed.