Perry Elementary School is receiving a remodel in which Superintendent Clark Wicks walks through the proposed timeline.

Wicks reveals that the school board is preparing for a hearing in August relating to the revenue bond for upgrades on the elementary school. He notes that the revenue bond allows the school board $17,000,000 to make necessary improvements. Wicks tells Raccoon Valley Radio how the board will utilize the money.

“Everything from electrical to controls. Some of the exterior and groundswork. All the doors getting replaced, safer doors, safer door hardware and also the entrance will be restructured a bit, so that security is picked up a little bit there too as well as trying to look at reconfiguring some rooms down the road, so that we have a preschool setting with that.”

Wicks says that the middle and high school has already gone through revisions and adds that it’s time for the elementary school to do the same. Also, the board is looking to make changes to the front playground for the students. Wicks concludes that if the revenue passes in August, then a full renovation should be done by the end of 2027.