
Image courtesy of RSVP 55+

Many people can become lonely as they age, especially when friends pass, they don’t go out as much, and they become isolated. Having people visit can help alleviate some of that loneliness, but what if a person has health issues or doesn’t want someone in their home?

RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program has a program just for that. It’s called Phone Friend, or Phone Assurance. A RSVP volunteer can talk to someone on the phone if they are feeling lonely or want to have a conversation. RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program Director Michele Hull says the program allows for socialization, without having people come into close contact with one another. She says that after some time spent chatting over the phone, some individuals change their minds on letting volunteers into their homes.

“There may be individuals who are not comfortable with having someone come into their home. They’d rather just visit over the phone. And we have found in our other county, when they start with a phone friend, they get to know an individual, then they might feel more comfortable, and are more comfortable inviting them to their home to have the one on one visit.”

Hull says that the Phone Friend program is a great start to having individuals become more receptive to other forms of volunteer help.