Thursday has even a fuller schedule of activities at the Greene County Fair.
In the morning, there are four livestock and animal-related shows taking place, including the swine show at 8am in the show ring, followed by the rabbit show east of the bus barn at 8:30am, and the buck calf interviews are at the main office at 10am, and at 11am is the horse and pony show at the horse arena. Greene County Fair Board Vice President Katlynn Mechaelsen says right after the swine show is the Little Oinkers and Bacon Buddies Show. She describes Bacon Buddies where children with disabilities show swine with an older 4-H’er and are judged.
Greene County Extension 4-H and Youth Coordinator Samantha Hardaway says the afternoon has lots of activities for youth. The festivities begin at 1pm in Clover Hall with Art Hour, then Barnyard Games north of Clover Hall begins at 2pm, then at 3:30pm is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Hour with the Greene County Libraries Association and Iowa PBS Education and the 4-H Young Leaders are hosting a bags tournament at 5pm.
Mechaelsen points out that returning tomorrow evening is free live musical entertainment and other family-friendly activities. Starting at 6pm, west of the beef barn is going to be Brian Congdon will be singing and playing guitar, along with craft beer and Deal’s hard cider slushies for parents and other adults, along with hot beef sundaes, Poppin’ Penelope and Peter will be doing a magic act, as well as other games for kids. Mechaelsen says the reason why they brought back this free Thursday night event was from how well it was received last year.
“Just that it was nice to have an event that was free, that they could come and really just have conversations with people. And that’s what our goal is to invite people out to the fairgrounds where it’s free. You know it’s free to get in and people need to remember that is we’re not a bigger fair because we don’t charge people to come into our grounds.”
Additionally, Raccoon Valley Radio is broadcasting live from the fairgrounds from 10am-6pm today through Saturday and 10am-3pm on Sunday. Results from the livestock contests and other competitions can be found online at raccoonvalleyradio.com under the Greene County Fair tab on the main homepage.