
The Dallas County Fair is right around the corner, with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach making an appearance.

The fair begins tomorrow in Adel and ISU Extension Youth Outreach Educator Kathy Rottinghaus shares that the organization’s theme is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss, with activities throughout the county fair. One of the activities that will be happening are barn tours, as Educational Facilitator Intern Haylee Wachter elaborates.

“You take a tour around the Dallas County Fairgrounds, and you tour all of the barns and a little bit about each animal. Those will be starting every day at the extension office.”

Watcher adds that ISU Extension will have scavenger hunts for fairgoers to participate in. Day Camps Intern Kylee Chesterman indicates that there will be an educational tent set up every day of the fair featuring a daily changing theme, working exhibits, plus fun games and activities. The Dallas County Fair runs from July 9th-13th, 28057 Fairground Road, in Adel.