
The second event in a summer series in Dallas County is coming up on Wednesday.

Meet Me in Minburn is a series throughout the summer inviting people to come hang out, try delicious food, enjoy free skating, and live music. The first session was held on June 8th, and Megan Cline with the Minburn Community Betterment Group tells Raccoon Valley Radio that it was a successful event.

“It was a fantastic night. The weather was perfect, Kyle Jackson really brought the great music. We had well over 130 people there. Some people were dancing, skating, bicycling, and it was a great time for everybody.”

Cline emphasizes that she is equally excited for the second concert this Wednesday with the band Kick performing. July’s show is once again taking place at Meek Park in Minburn, starting with a free will donation meal of nachos by the Friends of the Minburn Public Library at 5pm. 

Kick will take the stage at 7pm and Cline details that all are welcome to bring their skates, skateboards, or bikes for the outdoor skating rink that will be accessible to use during the program. For more information, visit the Minburn Community Betterment Group’s Facebook page