The Stuart City Council met in a special session Wednesday night.
The Council heard from Rescue Director Sean Bovinett on a proposal from Audubon County Hospital for the department’s help in transports, and denied the contract as it was, but wanted a counter proposal to be sent. The contract presented would see the hospital pay the rescue department $130,000 for their services.
Bovinett then presented the department’s proposal to Guthrie County in response to the request for proposal for a countywide emergency medical service, and the Council approved the proposal. This proposal would see the rescue department seek to place an ambulance in the Guthrie Center area, assist the county with the EMS Coordinator position, help bolster Adair’s volunteer service, and help build up smaller departments around the county. Bovinett mentioned that he didn’t intend to submit the proposal, as he felt from recent meetings he didn’t have the backing he would like to get things done in a way he’d like. Council members did ask him to reconsider.
The Council then heard a marketing proposal from Economic Development Director Mat Funk, and approved to have Marketing Main Street produce 3-4 small videos per year to be placed on the City’s social media. They also approved to allow the public works department to hire a contractor to help with mowing city owned properties, as they are down to two employees at this time, and appointed Council Members Mike Kalbach and Craig Russell to the Capital Improvement Projects Committee.