The Guthrie Center City Council met in regular session Monday night.
The Council approved a liquor permit for Orchard Family Restaurant, a building permit for the 400 block of North 6th Street, and a contract with Team Labs for treatment of the City lagoons to reduce sludge build up along the bottom of the lagoons. City Clerk Kris Arrasmith shared an update on the Mary J Barnett Memorial Library window replacement project, mentioning Library Director Jerri Hawkins was going to look into some grant options.
The Council then appointed Erick Van Cura to the Utility Board, and approved to hire Molly Claman for the open full-time position in City Hall at $25 per hour. They then heard the compliance officer report from Arrasmith, in which Compliance Officer Wes Clark mentioned that a pair of diseased ash trees would be taken down soon, and that he’d received many complaints of a business’s trailer being parked on State Street, taking up space and impacting other businesses. The Council decided to no longer allow the trailer to be parked on State Street, as there was room to park off the alley behind the building the business is in.
The Council also heard from Public Works Superintendent Darin Sloss on cold patching that had been done around town, along with regular pool maintenance, and that the electrical project in Mitchell Park has been completed. He also shared that they’d helped with the shelter house project in Mitchell Park, and were starting on the installment of the new playground equipment.
In the City Hall Report, Arrasmith shared that the projects in Mitchell Park were wrapping up, that they were looking into pricing for some new picnic tables, and that there are over 20 individuals that have signed up for the city wide garage sales and clean up on June 21st. She also mentioned that the survey at the property on 907 Main Street has been completed, and she is waiting for the results to be submitted to the County Recorder’s Office.