
The Greene County School Board met Wednesday night in regular session.

The meeting started with a public hearing about continuing with the instructional support levy. The levy is generated by property taxes and is administered by the Iowa Department of Management and for the next school year is going to be $0.38 per $1,000 of property valuation. The Board approved the measure to continue for five years, with the rate to change every year.

During reports, board member Michelle Fields said the board committee she serves on discussed putting together a capital improvement plan for facilities. She mentioned that the DLR Group will be making a presentation to the Board at the July meeting about specific details of what that plan would look like and if they wanted to move forward. 

Next, the Board approved four school driving permits including Faith Jaimes, Chloe Julick, Eli Glawe, and Kinley Dzuris; one fundraiser request for cheerleaders, and adding two positions to the extracurricular payment schedule with a middle school student council sponsor to be paid four units and a Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) sponsor for six units, with a price of $617 per unit. Then, the Board approved Kristin Wright and Kim Braun as the student council sponsors who will share the four units and Lisa Garnett as the FCCLA sponsor.

Next, the Board approved Tri-County Lumber’s quote of $26,018 for new carpet in the middle school auditorium and parts of the elementary school. They also approved the first readings to amend 505.1 for language change to semesters for student progress reports and conferences, as well as 505.5 with adjusting some graduation credits due to moving the high school to semesters and eliminating the part about struggling eighth graders possibly being placed in Iowa;s Jobs for America’s Graduates (iJAG) program so that all students had the chance to be in iJAG.

Finally, the Board approved to move the July regular meeting to July 17th at 5:15pm, due to the regular date of July 10th falling on the Greene County Fair week.