June Primary voting for the upcoming general election is Tuesday.
Guthrie County Auditor Dani Fink says that her office will be open tomorrow to allow early voting for those who may be unable to get to one of the polling locations on June 4th. She adds that there are six voting precincts, each with their own location. The polling location for the Bayard Precinct is the Bayard Community Center, while for the Casey Precinct the location is the Casey Community Building.
The polling location for the Guthrie Center Precinct is the Christian Church Fellowship Hall, and for the Panora Precinct it’s Veteran’s Auditorium. The Stuart Precinct’s polling location is the Congregational Church, while for the Yale Precinct it’s the Yale Community Building. A list of the townships and cities included in each precinct can be found in this story online.
Bayard Precinct
Bayard Community Center – 400 Main Street, Bayard
Highland, Orange, Seely (part of) & Union Townships & Cities of Bayard & Coon Rapids
Casey Precinct
Casey Community Building – 502 Antique Dr, Casey
Baker, Bear Grove, Beaver (part of), Grant & Thompson Townships & Cities of Adair & Casey
Guthrie Center Precinct
Christian Church Fellowship Hall – 103 N 4 th Street, Guthrie Center
Jackson & Valley Townships & City of Guthrie Center
Panora Precinct
Veteran’s Auditorium – 115 W Main Street, Panora
Cass (part of) Township & City of Panora
Stuart Precinct
Congregational Church – 224 N Division Street, Stuart
Beaver (part of), Penn & Stuart Townships & Cities of Menlo and Stuart
Yale Precinct
Yale Community Building – 206 N Main Street, Yale
Cass (part of), Dodge, Richland, Seely (part of) & Victory Townships & Cities of Bagley, Jamaica & Yale