
With summer getting ready to start, some unwanted summer visitors may start to come around more often.

The summer season brings about a few pests that many do not care for, and Guthrie County Health Services Director Jotham Arber says that many can carry diseases or viruses. He tells Raccoon Valley Radio about a virus carrying pest that has a penchant for blood.

“During the summer, we have the mosquito population, which grows back up. We want to make sure that if we’re going out there, especially when we’re going into areas that could be damp or humid, have bodies of water that have been sitting bodies of water, that we’re using insect repellent.”

Arber advises that repellent is highly important when in areas that mosquitoes are abundant, because they can carry West Nile Virus. He adds that with another disease carrying insect, it’s important to check your body thoroughly.

“And with ticks especially, it’s a really good idea when you come out of the woods, regardless of whether you’ve put the repellent on or you’ve worn those long sleeve shirts and long pants, when we get out of the woods, we really want to make sure that we’re checking everywhere.”

Arber mentions that when ticks attach to people and animals, they can pass on diseases like Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, so it’s important to check all over, especially the backs of your legs and knees, groin area, back, arms and armpits.