The Jefferson City Council met Tuesday night in regular session.
The Council approved the 2024 fiscal year budget amendments following the public hearing. There was $10.8 million of additional revenue and $9.8 million of additional expenses for a net gain of $956,950. The Council also approved the plans and specifications, form of contract and cost estimate for the pickleball court project at Russell Park, following another public hearing. The projected cost was $206,000 and bids are to be received by June 4th.
Next, the Council approved an amendment to the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the Community Development Block Grant Upper Story Housing project for 123 North Chestnut Street to change language and figures to fit the actual budget numbers. They also approved setting three consecutive public hearings for June 11th to sell three properties at 204 and 206 North Vine Street and 600 West Lincoln Way to sell to Origin Homes to build three single family homes, with the purchase price of $500 for each lot.
Additionally, the Council approved an alley lease agreement with Greg and Shirley Hacker to use the alleyway west of Courtyard on State Street for additional outdoor seating, a gas pipeline easement extension for Alliant Energy as presented, the final schedule of assessments for nuisance abatements from last year, removing a street light at 400 East Washington Street at the request of the homeowner, changing the job title for Sarah Morlan to Finance Officer and Deputy Clerk, as well as amending the ordinance to change from the city clerk to the finance officer to assume the duties of the city treasurer and waived the second and third required readings. They also approved the third reading to amend the recycling ordinance, the sixth pay estimate to Jensen Builders of $3,800 for the airport hangar project, and the 15th pay estimate of $1,064,975 to Shank Constructors for the Wastewater Treatment Plant improvement project. Finally, the Council approved the quarterly funding request for Greene County Development Corporation. The meeting ended in a closed session.