
An annual car show will be happening in Dallas County on Saturday to begin June.

The 15th Annual Dallas County Sheriff’s All-Wheel Show is taking place on Saturday from 10am-3pm at the Downtown Square in Adel. The show benefits Special Olympics Iowa and Dallas County Sergeant Ray Dirksen tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the show features anywhere from 120 to 150 cars. He recalls $10,000 raised from last year’s car show and expresses his gratitude to be apart of a special event.

“When you raise money, it’s one thing, but when you get to know that you’re participating in something that’s so much bigger than yourself, so much bigger than the state, the country and actually the world, it lets you know that you’re something bigger than Dallas County. Being able to see the purity of their (Special Olympic Athletes) love, their devotion towards everything is what just drives you to keep being there for them because we need them just as much as they need us just for that purity of love.”

There will be multiple awards given out during the show including Best of Show and Special Olympics Choice. Dirksen notes that there is a $25 charge to register with the first car, then $10 for every car afterwards and no fees for spectators. Contact Dirksen for more information at (515)-559-7789.