
The City of Perry faced strong winds early Friday morning when a tornado warning was issued for Northwestern Dallas County, leaving many trees down.

Perry Public Works Director Josh Wuebker tells Raccoon Valley Radio that the area spanning from Pattee Street to Estella Street saw the most significant amount of damage, in terms of trees breaking. He describes that the works department cleared all the roads by removing most of the large debris, but encourages residents to help by maintaining a clean yard.

“We’re just asking people that if you have some stuff in your yard, if you can pick it up and if you have a way to haul it, even to transport it out to our debris site or yard waste pile, which is out at the garbage department, that would help us out a lot, and that way it doesn’t have to sit in your yard for the weekend.”

Wuebker recalls hauling approximately 30 loads alone in Perry Friday. He mentions that the works department will return to remove any more debris Tuesday following the holiday weekend.