Perry High School is celebrating seniors on Sunday during graduation after a turbulent but resilient year.

The Perry School District displayed much resilience this year as students, staff, and the community of Perry is still recovering from the January 4th shooting that occurred at the high school, killing sixth grader Ahmir Jolliff and Principal Dan Marburger. The school district went on a month hiatus before returning towards the end of January. Despite the tragedy, many local organizations as well as businesses around and outside of the state continued to pour their support by offering services, therapy pets or sending flowers, including a $50,000 donation from JCPenney for this year’s prom, and much more. The kind acts were a testament of the good that exists in the world.

Sunday afternoon will be a celebration of honoring the seniors that were apart of the last four years at the high school. According to Perry Counselor Chelsie Thoren, the graduation ceremony will take place Sunday at 2pm in the high school’s gymnasium. She adds that there will be 137 students receiving diplomas. Speakers at the ceremony include Superintendent Clark Wicks, along with Senior Class President Kaitlyn Leber and Bluejay Congress President Callie Steva.