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Severe weather rolled through Central Iowa May 21st, affecting one county in the Raccoon Valley Radio listening area harshly.

After the storms went through, Governor Kim Reynolds authorized a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency. The proclamation allows state resources to be used to respond to and recover from the effects of severe weather. It also activates the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program and Disaster Case Advocacy Program for all 15 counties named in the proclamation, including Adair County, where Greenfield suffered a direct hit from a tornado.

The Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program provides grants of up to $5,000 to households with incomes up to 200 percent of the federal poverty level, with grants available for home or car repairs, replacement of clothing or food and temporary housing expenses. Original receipts are required in order to seek reimbursement for expenses related to storm recovery. The Disaster Care Advocacy Program works with individuals to address serious needs related to hardships, injury or adverse conditions caused by disaster.

To apply for a grant through the Iowa Individual Assistance Grant Program, instructions can be found on the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management website. For information on the Disaster Case Advocacy Program, visit their website. This proclamation also temporarily suspends regulatory provision to Iowa Code pertaining to procurement of goods and services, hours of service for disaster repair crews and many requirements for the transportation of loads related to disaster repair.