
A deadline for some family owned farms is fast approaching.

June 1st is the day that eligible Iowa Farm owners will need to submit applications for recognition as a Century or Heritage Farm. The Century Farm Program was created in partnership by the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation. It honors families who have owned their farms for 100 years as Century Farms, and those who have owned their farms for 150 years as Heritage Farms.

The program began in 1976, and to date more than 21,000 farms have received the Century Farm distinction. The Heritage Farm Program was added 18 years ago, and more than 1,800 farms have been recognized. For those interested in applying, the form can be found on the Iowa Department of Agriculture website, and mailed to their address, which can be found in this story online.

Mailing Address

Century and Heritage Farm Program
Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
Wallace State Office Building
502 E. Ninth St Des Moines, IA 50319