The Stuart City Council will meet in regular session Monday.

The Council will consider for approval liquor licenses for Doe A Deer, LLC and Ruby’s Unlimited, LLC, then hear an update on the town clean up day from Bob Cook. They will also consider for approval a request to close a street from Johnnie’s Tap and Audrey Gomez, hear an update from Stuart Fire Chief Josh Renslow, a declaration from the American Legion Auxiliary naming May 18th Poppy Day and an update from Stuart Rescue Director Sean Bovinett.

The Council will then hold a public hearing for the Coon Valley fiber optic project, and consider a resolution approving lease of real estate to Coon Valley Telephone for the project, then hold a public hearing for the 2023-24 City budget amendment before considering a resolution adopting the amendment. They will consider for approval a partial payment to McAninch Corporation for $213,295.36, hear about the revised final plat for Wambold Phase Three and hear an update from Stuart Enterprise for Economic Development (S.E.E.D.) member Warren Varley.

The Council will also consider for approval the School Resource Officer contract between the school and city, City employee wages for year 2024-25 and hear from Stuart Economic Development Director Matt Funk on a utility re-staking fee and a proposal to purchase City owned property from Luis Huerta. The meeting will begin at 6pm Monday in Council Chambers in City Hall. For those unable to attend in person, there is a digital option available via the City’s YouTube page.