
The Greene County Board of Supervisors will meet today.

A public hearing will be held at 8:45am about the 2025 fiscal year budget, followed by the Board considering approval of a resolution adopting the budget, as well as the salary schedule for county-elected officials. The Board will also consider for approval the final plans for the bridge replacement project on South Grimmell Road, the second reading of amendments to the solar energy ordinance and waiving the third reading for final adoption. They will also hear an update from Alliant Energy on the Grand Junction solar panel project.

The meeting will take place in person and remotely at 8:30am in the boardroom of the Greene County Courthouse in Jefferson. To access the meeting, call 1-253-215-8782 or 1-301-715-8592 with meeting ID 585 769 486, or via Zoom application with a link below.

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