As planting season is upon us, farm fields have also been getting prepped and that means motorists are encountering more farm implements on the roadways.
Greene County Sheriff Jack Williams advises motorists to have patience if they are behind a slow-moving farm vehicle on the road and pass when it is legal and safe to do so. Williams points out another area that motorists need to be cautious of are bridges.
“Just make sure that either you can observe that they’re slowing down to give you time to get through the bridge, or yourself slow down and stop and let them come through the bridge. Because a lot of the equipment is just getting too large for the width of the bridges that we have to still maintain two ways of traffic and we’ve had several accidents that have been involved on bridges with farm implements that are sticking over onto the other side of the road too far.”
Williams adds for farmers and farm equipment operators to make sure their signals are clean of dust and mud so that motorists can see where those vehicles and implements are intending to turn into from the roadway.