
The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday.

The Board approved a change of status for Caleb Wulf as a jailer for the sheriff’s department, moving him from part-time to full-time, then the Board heard the quarterly report from Veterans Affairs Coordinator Beth Watson. They also heard from Health Services Director Jotham Arber about a vicious dog ordinance, and approved looking at two options for a multi-factor authentication program pending legal approval.

The Board then approved resolutions pertaining to a noxious weed notice for property owners and authorizing County Engineer Josh Sebern to sign a bridge contract. They approved the fiscal year 2025 Secondary Roads Department budget for the Iowa Department of Transportation and five year project plan.

The Board also approved the Guthrie County Emergency Medical Services Request for Proposal, with the addition of a timeline for bidders to reply to the County by July 1st, as well as approving the fiscal year 2025 substance abuse program grant, and made Auditor Dani Fink an approved signatory for the substance abuse program.